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You will feel at home

We are a university housing, not just a building; it is a refuge full of human warmth and infinite possibilities

With ESSTUDIA, you will find comfort to continue studying without interruptions.

ESSTUDIA Lifestyle

Here, happiness translates to spending less while receiving more, creating an environment conducive to academic success.

You will feel at home

We are a university housing, not just a building; it is a refuge full of human warmth and infinite possibilities

With ESSTUDIA, you will find comfort to continue studying without interruptions.

ESSTUDIA Lifestyle

Here, happiness translates to spending less while receiving more, creating an environment conducive to academic success.

 Leave us your information here!

In this house, you will haveEn esta casa lo tendrás Everything!


Nuestros menús creados directamente por el Chef cuentan con una gran variedad y lograran que cada sabor genere en ti sensaciones de hogar.

Aseo a la habitación

Nuestra especialidad es hacerte la vida más sencilla, por eso en nuestras tarifas está incluido el servicio de aseo en tú habitación una vez a la semana

Salas de estudio

Si buscas un rincón de concentración, nuestras salas de estudio te ofrecen tranquilidad para que puedas sumergirte en el conocimiento sin distracciones.


GYM 24/7 dotado con todo lo que necesitas para despejar tú mente después de una larga jornada.

Asistencia médica de emergencia

Preparados para cualquier eventualidad, como si estuvieras en casa. Incluimos servicios médicos de emergencia y póliza de accidentes personales con Global Seguros.


En ESSTUDIA el tiempo lo manejas tú. Tienes a tu disposición un espacio de lavandería que esta para ti las 24 horas del día, sin costo adicional en nuestras tarifas.

Sala de juegos

En ESSTUDIA creamos vínculos y momentos inolvidables en cada uno de nuestros espacios por eso tenemos una sala de juegos para que te distraigas al 100.


Contamos con un equipo de seguridad privada 24/7 para brindar tranquilidad a nuestros residentes.

Cercanía a la Universidad

Estamos ubicados estratégicamente muy cerca a la zona universitaria de Bogotá y con fácil acceso a toda la parte cultural de la ciudad.

Our 7-43 location is right in front of the Javeriana University and other universities in the area.
It features areas dedicated to recreation and study. We offer 3 types of individual rooms ranging from 16m² to 29m², ensuring a more private and personalized living experience.

Pol itécnico Gran Colombiano
10 min walking
Universidad Santo Tomas
5 min walking
Universidad Católica
5 min walking
Universidad Piloto
5 min walking
Universidad Javeriana
5 min walking
Universidad Distrital
5 min walking
5 min walking
Escuela Arturo Tejada
5 min walking
Universidad Cooperativa
5 min walking

Our 17-4 headquarters is located just a few minutes’ walk from Rosario, Andes, Externado, and other universities in the area.

We offer two types of fully furnished individual rooms ranging from 18 to 30 square meters.

Additionally, we have common areas dedicated to recreation and study.

Universidad Jorge Tadeo Llozano
Universidad Jorge Tadeo Llozano
7 min walking
Universidad Central
Universidad Central
7 min walking
Universidad América
Universidad América
10 min walking
Universidad de los Andes
Universidad de los Andes
7 min walking
Universidad Externado
Universidad Externado
15 min walking
Universidad Grancolombia
Universidad Grancolombia
5 min walking
Universidad del Rosario
Universidad del Rosario
5 min walking

Our 33DC headquarters is located in an easily accessible area near the best universities in Bogotá and amidst a prominent business center.

We offer 5 types of studio apartments ranging from 23m² to 33m², suitable for both individual and shared occupancy (up to 2 people).

We have recreational areas designed for your well-being and entertainment.

7 min walking
5 min minutes by car
Universidad Piloto
20 min walking
8 min by car
Universidad Javeriana
12 min walking
4 min by car
Universidad Cooperativa
6 min walking

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about us?

Leave us your information, and we will get in touch with you!

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In Colombia there were no specialized areas for university students. This idea was born a few years ago with the objective that students be close to universities, under a range of complementary services.

University residences are an alternative that seeks to create spaces different from traditional residences by providing environments that facilitate university life in a single place where they are provided not only with student housing but also with comfortable spaces to share.

ESSTUDIA has two offices in Bogotá. Write to us or call us and we will gladly give you more information.

Multiculturalism, security and a wide network of contacts are some of the benefits derived from this type of residence. These environments allow the creation of professional and personal ties that can be materialized, and also strengthen skills such as teamwork, making them a good option for not only foreign students, but also those who reside locally, since savings are achieved. transportation and time optimization.

Some experts also indicate that traditional costs can be reduced. This is because the monthly payment in many cases covers basic services, cleaning and even food. These last three factors allow you to eliminate separate expenses and manage your finances in a better way.

University residences are a different concept from fully equipped student residences to make the experience of entering university much easier and more fun where you will not only live, you will also study and meet new friends.

You also have the peace of mind and security of being accompanied by a team concerned about your needs.

We have single or shared rooms, with a study area, private bathroom, kitchen and rest area. We have different types of rooms that adapt to your needs.

Furthermore, the University is very close to you. You won’t have to get up early to catch transportation or get into one of those unbearable traffic jams that make you arrive tired to class. You will have time to have a quiet breakfast, share with your friends and review the exam you have first thing in the morning.

Share and live incredible experiences with students from different careers, regions and countries. Enjoy the pleasure of living in the place you always dreamed of.

Enjoy exclusive wellness events and programs for our residents

Various options for you to choose the one that best suits your needs and that complete the wide range of services that we put at your disposal to personalize your stay.

We indicate below the most important factors:


The first thing is its location.

Check that it is close to your study center so as not to waste a lot of time each day traveling.

In small cities it is usually easier because the residences are usually located around the main campus, but in large cities things change.

They usually have several universities and these in turn several campuses, therefore, it is very important to locate where your faculty or headquarters is located on a map and then see which are the closest residences.


For many students this is the crucial point when making the final decision. Quote and choose wisely.


It is important to know the accommodation conditions offered by your residence.

In most of them you can choose between a single room or shared room, extra services such as room cleaning, laundry or gym. The choice of these will increase or decrease the price.

In any case, if you still have doubts about which university residence or residence hall to choose, do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you!

How to choose a university residence
What are the key factors in choosing a good student residence?

If you are looking for a good education and a good life while studying, but you don’t know where to go or where not to go, university residence may be a great choice for you. Below we offer you some useful steps that you should take into account when choosing your residence.

When choosing a university residence, it is essential to decide, first of all, if you can afford it. With good university accommodation, it’s easy to go above and beyond, and you can save a significant amount of money on your expense account. Once you’ve decided how much it would cost to pay for accommodation, you need to remember to take into account the other expenses that come with university, such as bills and meals. In fact, most students would spend much more than the monthly rent on their meals, because they come with so many things.

Apart from that, your accommodation should be located close to all basic education services.