Cookie Policy

La traducción al inglés de tu texto sería:

On its website, ES STUDIA SAS uses its own and third-party cookies for the purpose of: (i) optimizing the services offered, (ii) providing a better browsing experience to the user, and (iii) providing the user with all kinds of information in accordance with their preferences, after analyzing their browsing habits.

La traducción al inglés de tu texto sería:

These cookies can be of various types: 1) By their duration: (i) session cookie, that is, those that only remain active while the registered user makes use of a certain web space, allowing the user to be identified in order to personalize their experience. Once the session ends, this cookie will disappear without being stored on the device’s hard drive, (ii) permanent cookie, that is, those programmed directly by the web portal in order to track the user each time a new visit is made. 2) By their purpose: (i) essential or technical cookies, that is, those indispensable for ensuring proper navigation, allowing correct data traffic and recognition, (ii) personalization cookies, those that store the preferences of a certain device such as, for example, the language, the type of browser, the characteristics of the portal depending on the part of the world from which it is accessed, etc., (iii) analytical cookies, those that allow the creation of a user navigation profile by analyzing their behavior and preferences, and (iv) advertising cookies, that is, those used for own or third-party marketing campaigns, designed to make known to the user products and/or services in spaces previously defined by ES STUDIA SAS for this purpose. Advertising cookies may be stored and/or delivered to advertisers of ES STUDIA SAS so that they can be used by them in their marketing and advertising campaigns. These cookies can be behavioral, that is, they are designed to store information about the user’s frequent visits and the continued observation of their browsing habits, this in turn, allows creating a profile to display advertising according to the analysis performed.

La traducción al inglés de tu texto sería:

The user may choose to visit the ES STUDIA SAS website without “cookies,” but without these identification files, they will not be able to take advantage of some interesting features of the ESSTUDIA SAS website. Among these features is the ability to offer a personalized online experience.

La traducción al inglés de tu texto sería:

To visit the website without “cookies”, you can configure your browser to reject all “cookies”, or to notify you when a “cookie” is created. (Each browser is different, so you will need to check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to modify your preferences regarding “cookies”.)